public struct UncNumber : IRealUncNumber<UncNumber>,
IRealNumber<UncNumber>, IRealNumber, INumber<UncNumber>,
IConsole, IStorage<UncNumber>, IStorageBinary, IComparable,
IElementArithmetic<UncNumber>, IArithmetic<UncNumber>, IMath<UncNumber>,
IRealMath<UncNumber>, IRealUncNumber
Public Structure UncNumber
Implements IRealUncNumber(Of UncNumber), IRealNumber(Of UncNumber),
IRealNumber, INumber(Of UncNumber), IConsole, IStorage(Of UncNumber),
IStorageBinary, IComparable, IElementArithmetic(Of UncNumber), IArithmetic(Of UncNumber),
IMath(Of UncNumber), IRealMath(Of UncNumber), IRealUncNumber
public value class UncNumber : IRealUncNumber<UncNumber>,
IRealNumber<UncNumber>, IRealNumber, INumber<UncNumber>,
IConsole, IStorage<UncNumber>, IStorageBinary, IComparable,
IElementArithmetic<UncNumber>, IArithmetic<UncNumber>, IMath<UncNumber>,
IRealMath<UncNumber>, IRealUncNumber
type UncNumber =
inherit ValueType
interface IRealUncNumber<UncNumber>
interface IRealNumber<UncNumber>
interface IRealNumber
interface INumber<UncNumber>
interface IConsole
interface IStorage<UncNumber>
interface IStorageBinary
interface IComparable
interface IElementArithmetic<UncNumber>
interface IArithmetic<UncNumber>
interface IMath<UncNumber>
interface IRealMath<UncNumber>
interface IRealUncNumber
UncNumber(Distribution) | Creates a new Real Unc Number from a distribution |
UncNumber(Double) | Creates a new Real Unc Number with Standard Uncertainty = 0 |
UncNumber(InputDistribution) | Creates a new Real Unc Number from an input distribution |
UncNumber(InputId) | Creates a new Real Unc Number |
UncNumber(Double, Double) | Creates a new Real Unc Number with Dof = Inf |
UncNumber(Distribution, InputId, String) | Creates a new Real Unc Number from a distribution |
UncNumber(Double, Double, Double) | Creates a new Real Unc Number |
UncNumber(Double, Double, Double, InputId) | Creates a new Real Unc Number |
UncNumber(Double, Double, Double, InputId, String) | Creates a new Real Unc Number |
Dependencies | Dependencies |
ExpValue | Expected Value |
FcnValue | Function Value |
IDof | Computes the Inverse of the Degress of Freedom |
IsConst | Returns true if it's a Const |
memsize | Number of bytes allocated for the Object. |
ntaylor | N Taylor |
One | Returns the neutral element of multiplication |
StdUnc | Computes the Standard Uncertainty |
Value | Value |
Zero | Returns the neutral element of addition |
Abs | Returns the absolute value. |
Acos | Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number. |
Acosh | Returns the angle whose hyperbolic cosine is the specified number. |
Add | Returns the sum of the object and b. |
Asin | Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number. |
Asinh | Returns the angle whose hyperbolic sine is the specified number. |
Atan | Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number. |
Atan2 | Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers. |
Atanh | Returns the angle whose hyperbolic tangent is the specified number. |
BinaryDeserialize | Binary Deserialize an Object from File. |
BinaryDeserializeFromByteArray | Binary Deserialize an Object from a byte array. |
BinarySerialize | Binary Serialize an Object to File. |
BinarySerializeToByteArray | Binary Serialize an Object to a byte array. |
BinarySetDataFrom | Set object data from Binary Reader. |
BinaryWriteDataTo | Write object data to Binary Writer. |
ComplexAbs | Complex absolute value |
ComplexDivision | Complex division |
Conj | Returns the complex conjugate. |
Cos | Returns the cosine of the specified angle. |
Cosh | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle. |
DblSqrFcnValue | Returns the square function value. |
Debug | Debug an Object |
Divide | Returns the quotient of the object and b. |
Ellipe | Returns the complete elliptic integral of the second kind. |
Ellipk | Returns the complete elliptic integral of the first kind. |
Equals | Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. (Inherited from ValueType) |
Exp | Returns e raised to the specified power. |
FcnValue2 | Returns the function value. |
GetCoverageInterval | Computes the Coverage Interval |
GetHashCode | Returns the hash code for this instance. (Inherited from ValueType) |
GetMoment | Computes the n-th Central Moment |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
Init(Double) | Initializes a Real Unc Number with Standard Uncertainty = 0 |
Init(InputId) | Initializes a Real Unc Number (Value = 0, StdUnc = 1, IDof = 0) |
Init(Double, Double) | Initializes a Real Unc Number |
Init(Double, Double, Double) | Initializes a Real Unc Number |
Init(Double, Double, Double, InputId) | Initializes a Real Unc Number |
Init(Double, Double, Double, InputId, String) | Initializes a Real Unc Number |
InitDbl | Initializes a Real Number |
InitFromDistribution | Initializes a Real Unc Number from a distribution |
InitFromInputDistribution | Initializes a Real Unc Number from an input distribution |
InitFromRandomChoices | Initializes a Real Unc Number from random choices |
InitFromSamples | Initializes a Real Unc Number from samples |
IsNotZero | Returns true if the Value of an Object is not equal to zero. |
IsOne | Returns true if the Value of an Object is equal to one. |
IsZero | Returns true if the Value of an Object is equal to zero. |
Log | Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number. |
Log(UncNumber) | Returns the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base. |
Log10 | Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number. |
Multiply | Returns the product of the object and b. |
Negative | Returns the negative of the object. |
Pow(Int32) | Returns a specified number raised to the specified power. |
Pow(UncNumber) | Returns a specified number raised to the specified power. |
Sign | Returns a value indicating the sign of a number. |
Sin | Returns the sine of the specified angle. |
Sinh | Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle. |
Sqrt | Returns the square root of a specified number. |
Subtract | Returns the difference of the object and b. |
Tan | Returns the tangent of the specified angle. |
Tanh | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle. |
ToString |
Override ToString() to display an Object.
(Overrides ValueTypeToString) |
XmlDeserialize | Xml Deserialize an Object from File. |
XmlDeserializeFromString | Xml Deserialize an Object from String. |
XmlSerialize | Xml Serialize an Object to File. |
XmlSerializeToString | Xml Serialize an Object to String. |
Addition(UncNumber, UncNumber) | Overloading '+' operator |
Division(UncNumber, UncNumber) | Overloading '/' operator |
(Double to UncNumber) | Convert double to Real Unc Number |
(Number to UncNumber) | Convert Real Number to Real Unc Number |
Multiply(UncNumber, UncNumber) | Overloading '*' operator |
Subtraction(UncNumber, UncNumber) | Overloading '-' operator |
UnaryNegation(UncNumber) | Overloading '-' operator |
UnaryPlus(UncNumber) | Overloading '+' operator |