VnaDeviceCharacterizeNoise(Double, Int32, Int32, Double, Double, Boolean, Int32, Int32, String, Boolean, BackgroundWorker, DoWorkEventArgs) Method

Characterize Noise


Namespace: Metas.Vna.Database.VnaDevices
Assembly: Metas.Vna.Database (in Metas.Vna.Database.dll) Version: 2.8.9053.20282
public VnaNoisePerPortElectricalSpec[] CharacterizeNoise(
	double[] freq,
	int npoints,
	int avg,
	double ifbw,
	double power,
	bool receivers,
	int settlingPoints,
	int movingMeanPoints,
	string rawDataPath,
	bool analyzeOnly,
	BackgroundWorker worker,
	DoWorkEventArgs e


freq  Double
Frequency List / Hz
npoints  Int32
Number of Points
avg  Int32
Average Factor
ifbw  Double
IF Bandwidth / Hz
power  Double
Power / dBm
receivers  Boolean
Test and Reference Receivers
settlingPoints  Int32
Settling Points
movingMeanPoints  Int32
Moving Mean Points
rawDataPath  String
Raw Data Path
analyzeOnly  Boolean
Analyze Only
worker  BackgroundWorker
Background Worker
e  DoWorkEventArgs
Do Work Event Arguments

Return Value

Noise Per Port

See Also