ScriptTTimeGating Method

Time Gating


Namespace: Metas.Vna.Tools
Assembly: Metas.Vna.Tools (in Metas.Vna.Tools.exe) Version: 2.8.9053.20314
public void TimeGating(
	string pathA,
	bool lowPassMode,
	double centerTime,
	double timeSpan,
	double deltaTime,
	bool notchGateType,
	string pathRes,
	bool withoutUnc = false


pathA  String
N-Port A File Path (*.sdatb)
lowPassMode  Boolean
Low Pass Mode (otherwise Band Pass Mode)
centerTime  Double
Center Time / s
timeSpan  Double
Time Span / s from 0.5 to 0.5
deltaTime  Double
Delta Time / s from 0.0 to 0.5 or from 0.5 to 1.0
notchGateType  Boolean
Notch Gate Type (otherwise Band Pass Gate Type)
pathRes  String
Result File Path (*.sdatb)
withoutUnc  Boolean  (Optional)
Without Uncertainties

See Also