public class DataGridViewTextBoxSplitButtonColumn : DataGridViewColumn
Public Class DataGridViewTextBoxSplitButtonColumn
Inherits DataGridViewColumn
public ref class DataGridViewTextBoxSplitButtonColumn : public DataGridViewColumn
type DataGridViewTextBoxSplitButtonColumn =
inherit DataGridViewColumn
DataGridViewTextBoxSplitButtonColumn | Initializes a new instance of the DataGridViewTextBoxSplitButtonColumn class |
AutoSizeMode | Gets or sets the mode by which the column automatically adjusts its width. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
ButtonAction | |
ButtonImage | |
ButtonText | |
CellTemplate | (Overrides DataGridViewColumnCellTemplate) |
CellType | Gets the run-time type of the cell template. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
ContextMenuStrip | Gets or sets the shortcut menu for the column. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
DataGridView | Gets the DataGridView control associated with this element. (Inherited from DataGridViewElement) |
DataPropertyName | Gets or sets the name of the data source property or database column to which the DataGridViewColumn is bound. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
DefaultCellStyle | Gets or sets the column's default cell style. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
DefaultHeaderCellType | Gets or sets the run-time type of the default header cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewBand) |
Displayed | Gets a value indicating whether the band is currently displayed onscreen. (Inherited from DataGridViewBand) |
DisplayIndex | Gets or sets the display order of the column relative to the currently displayed columns. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
DividerWidth | Gets or sets the width, in pixels, of the column divider. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
DropDownEnterAction | |
DropDownLeaveAction | |
FillWeight | Gets or sets a value that represents the width of the column when it is in fill mode relative to the widths of other fill-mode columns in the control. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
Frozen | Gets or sets a value indicating whether a column will move when a user scrolls the DataGridView control horizontally. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
HasDefaultCellStyle | Gets a value indicating whether the DefaultCellStyle property has been set. (Inherited from DataGridViewBand) |
HeaderCell | Gets or sets the DataGridViewColumnHeaderCell that represents the column header. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
HeaderCellCore | Gets or sets the header cell of the DataGridViewBand. (Inherited from DataGridViewBand) |
HeaderText | Gets or sets the caption text on the column's header cell. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
Index | Gets the relative position of the band within the DataGridView control. (Inherited from DataGridViewBand) |
InheritedAutoSizeMode | Gets the sizing mode in effect for the column. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
InheritedStyle | Gets the cell style currently applied to the column. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
IsDataBound | Gets a value indicating whether the column is bound to a data source. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
IsRow | Gets a value indicating whether the band represents a row. (Inherited from DataGridViewBand) |
MinimumWidth | Gets or sets the minimum width, in pixels, of the column. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
Name | Gets or sets the name of the column. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
ReadOnly | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can edit the column's cells. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
Resizable | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column is resizable. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
Selected | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the band is in a selected user interface (UI) state. (Inherited from DataGridViewBand) |
Site | Gets or sets the site of the column. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
SortMode | Gets or sets the sort mode for the column. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
State | Gets the user interface (UI) state of the element. (Inherited from DataGridViewElement) |
Tag | Gets or sets the object that contains data to associate with the band. (Inherited from DataGridViewBand) |
ToolTipText | Gets or sets the text used for ToolTips. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
ValueType | Gets or sets the data type of the values in the column's cells. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
Visible | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column is visible. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
Width | Gets or sets the current width of the column. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
Clone | Creates an exact copy of this band. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
Dispose | Releases all resources used by the DataGridViewBand. (Inherited from DataGridViewBand) |
Dispose(Boolean) | Releases the unmanaged resources used by the DataGridViewBand and optionally releases the managed resources. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
Finalize | Releases the resources associated with the band. (Inherited from DataGridViewBand) |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) |
GetPreferredWidth | Calculates the ideal width of the column based on the specified criteria. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object) |
OnDataGridViewChanged | Called when the band is associated with a different DataGridView. (Inherited from DataGridViewBand) |
RaiseCellClick | Raises the CellClick event. (Inherited from DataGridViewElement) |
RaiseCellContentClick | Raises the CellContentClick event. (Inherited from DataGridViewElement) |
RaiseCellContentDoubleClick | Raises the CellContentDoubleClick event. (Inherited from DataGridViewElement) |
RaiseCellValueChanged | Raises the CellValueChanged event. (Inherited from DataGridViewElement) |
RaiseDataError | Raises the DataError event. (Inherited from DataGridViewElement) |
RaiseMouseWheel | Raises the MouseWheel event. (Inherited from DataGridViewElement) |
ToString | Gets a string that describes the column. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |
Disposed | Occurs when the DataGridViewColumn is disposed. (Inherited from DataGridViewColumn) |