public struct UncNumber : IRealUncNumber<UncNumber>,
IRealNumber<UncNumber>, IRealNumber, INumber<UncNumber>,
IConsole, IStorage<UncNumber>, IStorageBinary, IComparable,
IElementArithmetic<UncNumber>, IArithmetic<UncNumber>, IMath<UncNumber>,
IRealMath<UncNumber>, IRealUncNumber, ISystem, IXmlSerializable,
Public Structure UncNumber
Implements IRealUncNumber(Of UncNumber), IRealNumber(Of UncNumber),
IRealNumber, INumber(Of UncNumber), IConsole, IStorage(Of UncNumber),
IStorageBinary, IComparable, IElementArithmetic(Of UncNumber), IArithmetic(Of UncNumber),
IMath(Of UncNumber), IRealMath(Of UncNumber), IRealUncNumber,
ISystem, IXmlSerializable, ISerializable
public value class UncNumber : IRealUncNumber<UncNumber>,
IRealNumber<UncNumber>, IRealNumber, INumber<UncNumber>,
IConsole, IStorage<UncNumber>, IStorageBinary, IComparable,
IElementArithmetic<UncNumber>, IArithmetic<UncNumber>, IMath<UncNumber>,
IRealMath<UncNumber>, IRealUncNumber, ISystem, IXmlSerializable,
type UncNumber =
inherit ValueType
interface IRealUncNumber<UncNumber>
interface IRealNumber<UncNumber>
interface IRealNumber
interface INumber<UncNumber>
interface IConsole
interface IStorage<UncNumber>
interface IStorageBinary
interface IComparable
interface IElementArithmetic<UncNumber>
interface IArithmetic<UncNumber>
interface IMath<UncNumber>
interface IRealMath<UncNumber>
interface IRealUncNumber
interface ISystem
interface IXmlSerializable
interface ISerializable
UncNumber(Distribution) | Creates a new Real Unc Number from a distribution |
UncNumber(Double) | Creates a new Real Unc Number with Standard Uncertainty = 0 |
UncNumber(InputDistribution) | Creates a new Real Unc Number from an input distribution |
UncNumber(InputId) | Creates a new Real Unc Number |
UncNumber(Double, Double) | Creates a new Real Unc Number with Dof = Inf |
UncNumber(Distribution, InputId, String) | Creates a new Real Unc Number from a distribution |
UncNumber(Double, DependsOn, Boolean) | Creates a new Real Unc Number |
UncNumber(Double, Double, Double) | Creates a new Real Unc Number |
UncNumber(Double, Double, Double, InputId) | Creates a new Real Unc Number |
UncNumber(Double, Double, Double, InputId, String) | Creates a new Real Unc Number |
Dependencies | Dependencies |
ExpValue | Expected Value |
FcnValue | Function Value |
IDof | Computes the Inverse of the Degrees of Freedom |
IsConst | Returns true if it's a Const |
memsize | Number of bytes allocated for the Object. |
One | Returns the neutral element of multiplication |
StdUnc | Computes the Standard Uncertainty |
Value | Value |
Zero | Returns the neutral element of addition |
Abs | Returns the absolute value. |
Acos | Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number. |
Acosh | Returns the angle whose hyperbolic cosine is the specified number. |
Add | Returns the sum of the object and b. |
Asin | Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number. |
Asinh | Returns the angle whose hyperbolic sine is the specified number. |
Atan | Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number. |
Atan2 | Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers. |
Atanh | Returns the angle whose hyperbolic tangent is the specified number. |
BinaryDeserialize | Binary Deserialize an Object from File. |
BinaryDeserializeFromByteArray | Binary Deserialize an Object from a byte array. |
BinarySerialize | Binary Serialize an Object to File. |
BinarySerializeToByteArray | Binary Serialize an Object to a byte array. |
BinarySetDataFrom | Set object data from Binary Reader. |
BinaryWriteDataTo | Write object data to Binary Writer. |
ComplexAbs | Complex absolute value |
ComplexDivision | Complex division |
Conj | Returns the complex conjugate. |
Cos | Returns the cosine of the specified angle. |
Cosh | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle. |
DblSqrFcnValue | Returns the square function value. |
Debug | Debug an Object |
Divide | Returns the quotient of the object and b. |
Ellipe | Returns the complete elliptic integral of the second kind. |
Ellipk | Returns the complete elliptic integral of the first kind. |
Equals | Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. (Inherited from ValueType) |
Exp | Returns e raised to the specified power. |
FcnValue2 | Returns the function value. |
GetCoverageInterval | Computes the Coverage Interval |
GetHashCode | Returns the hash code for this instance. (Inherited from ValueType) |
GetMoment | Computes the n-th Central Moment |
GetObjectData | Custom Serialization |
GetSchema | Get Schema |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
Init(Double) | Initializes a Real Unc Number with Standard Uncertainty = 0 |
Init(InputId) | Initializes a Real Unc Number (Value = 0, StdUnc = 1, IDof = 0) |
Init(Double, Double) | Initializes a Real Unc Number |
Init(Double, UncNumber, Double) | Initializes a Real Unc Number with Sensitivities to System Inputs |
Init(Double, Double, Double) | Initializes a Real Unc Number |
Init(Double, Double, Double, InputId) | Initializes a Real Unc Number |
Init(Double, Double, Double, InputId, String) | Initializes a Real Unc Number |
InitDbl | Initializes a Real Unc Number |
InitFromDistribution | Initializes a Real Unc Number from a distribution |
InitFromInputDistribution | Initializes a Real Unc Number from an input distribution |
InitFromRandomChoices | Initializes a Real Unc Number from random choices |
InitFromSamples | Initializes a Real Unc Number from samples |
IsNotZero | Returns true if the Value of an Object is not equal to zero. |
IsOne | Returns true if the Value of an Object is equal to one. |
IsZero | Returns true if the Value of an Object is equal to zero. |
Log | Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number. |
Log(UncNumber) | Returns the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base. |
Log10 | Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number. |
Multiply | Returns the product of the object and b. |
Negative | Returns the negative of the object. |
Pow(Int32) | Returns a specified number raised to the specified power. |
Pow(UncNumber) | Returns a specified number raised to the specified power. |
ReadXml | Read Xml |
RemoveSmallUncInfluences | Remove Small Uncertainty Influences |
Sign | Returns a value indicating the sign of a number. |
Sin | Returns the sine of the specified angle. |
Sinh | Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle. |
Sqrt | Returns the square root of a specified number. |
Subtract | Returns the difference of the object and b. |
Tan | Returns the tangent of the specified angle. |
Tanh | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle. |
ToString |
Override ToString() to display an Object.
(Overrides ValueTypeToString) |
WriteXml | Write Xml |
XmlDeserialize | Xml Deserialize an Object from File. |
XmlDeserializeFromString | Xml Deserialize an Object from String. |
XmlSerialize | Xml Serialize an Object to File. |
XmlSerializeToString | Xml Serialize an Object to String. |
Addition(UncNumber, UncNumber) | Overloading '+' operator |
Division(UncNumber, UncNumber) | Overloading '/' operator |
(Double to UncNumber) | Convert double to Real Unc Number |
(Number to UncNumber) | Convert Real Number to Real Unc Number |
Multiply(UncNumber, UncNumber) | Overloading '*' operator |
Subtraction(UncNumber, UncNumber) | Overloading '-' operator |
UnaryNegation(UncNumber) | Overloading '-' operator |
UnaryPlus(UncNumber) | Overloading '+' operator |