IFreqPortZrT Interface

Interface Frequency, Ports and Port Zr


Namespace: Metas.Vna.Data
Assembly: Metas.Vna.Data (in Metas.Vna.Data.dll) Version: 2.8.9053.20259
public interface IFreqPortZr<T> : IFreqPort
where T : new(), Object, IRealNumber<T>

Type Parameters

Real Number Type


AreAllPortIndicesZero Are all port indices zero?
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
AreAllPortsSingleEnded Are all ports single-ended?
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
ArePortIndicesUsed Are port indices used?
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
Frequency Frequency / Hz
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
Is1Port Is a 1 Port?
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
Is2Port Is a 2 Port?
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
IsCWTime Is CW time?
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
IsMixedMode Is mixed-mode?
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
NFreq Number of frequency points
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
NPorts Number of ports
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
Ports Port assignment
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
PortZr Port Zr / Ohm


CommonPortZr Gets common reference impedance / Ohm
FindPortIndex Finds port index
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
Init(IFreqPort) Initialize
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
Init(IFreqPortZrT) Initialize
Init(Double, VnaPortDescription) Initialize
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
Init(Double, Int32) Initialize
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
Init(Double, ComplexT) Initialize
Init(Int32, Int32) Initialize
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
Init(Double, VnaPortDescription, ComplexT) Initialize
Init(Double, VnaPortDescription, ComplexT) Initialize
Init(Double, Int32, ComplexT) Initialize
Init(Double, Int32, ComplexT) Initialize
Init(Double, Int32, ComplexT) Initialize
PostInit Post initialize
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
PreInit Pre initialize
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
SameFrequencyPoints(Double, Boolean) Same frequency points
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
SameFrequencyPoints(IFreqPort, Boolean) Same frequency points
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
SameNumberOfFrequencyPoints(Double, Boolean) Same number of frequency points
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
SameNumberOfFrequencyPoints(IFreqPort, Boolean) Same number of frequency points
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
SameNumberOfPorts(IFreqPort, Boolean) Same number of ports
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
SameNumberOfPorts(VnaPortDescription, Boolean) Same number of ports
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
SamePortModes(IFreqPort, Boolean) Same port modes
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
SamePortModes(VnaPortDescription, Boolean) Same port modes
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
SamePorts(IFreqPort, Boolean) Same ports
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
SamePorts(VnaPortDescription, Boolean) Same ports
(Inherited from IFreqPort)
SamePortZr(ComplexT, Boolean) Same port impedances
SamePortZr(IFreqPortZrT, Boolean) Same port impedances

See Also