public class VnaData<T> : FreqPortZrFreqConv<T>, ISerializable,
IBinary, IVnaData<T>, IFreqPortZrFreqConv<T>, IFreqPortZr<T>, IFreqPort,
IFreqPortFreqConv, IFlatVector<T>
where T : new(), Object, IRealNumber<T>
Public Class VnaData(Of T As {New, Object, IRealNumber(Of T)})
Inherits FreqPortZrFreqConv(Of T)
Implements ISerializable, IBinary, IVnaData(Of T),
IFreqPortZrFreqConv(Of T), IFreqPortZr(Of T), IFreqPort, IFreqPortFreqConv,
IFlatVector(Of T)
generic<typename T>
where T : gcnew(), Object, IRealNumber<T>
public ref class VnaData : public FreqPortZrFreqConv<T>,
ISerializable, IBinary, IVnaData<T>, IFreqPortZrFreqConv<T>, IFreqPortZr<T>,
IFreqPort, IFreqPortFreqConv, IFlatVector<T>
type VnaData<'T when 'T : new() and Object and IRealNumber<'T>> =
inherit FreqPortZrFreqConv<'T>
interface ISerializable
interface IBinary
interface IVnaData<'T>
interface IFreqPortZrFreqConv<'T>
interface IFreqPortZr<'T>
interface IFreqPort
interface IFreqPortFreqConv
interface IFlatVector<'T>
VnaDataT | VNA data |
VnaDataT(Int32, Int32, Int32) | VNA data |
AreAllPortIndicesZero |
Are all port indices zero?
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
AreAllPortsSingleEnded |
Are all ports single-ended?
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
ArePortIndicesUsed |
Are port indices used?
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
FlatVectorSize | Get Flat Vector Size |
Frequency |
Frequency / Hz
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
FrequencyConversions |
Frequency conversions
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
Is1Port |
Is a 1 Port?
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
Is2Port |
Is a 2 Port?
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
IsCWTime |
Is CW time?
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
IsFrequencyConverting |
Is frequency converting
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
IsFrequencyConvertingAndReceiversEqualToSource |
Is frequency converting (receivers == source)
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
IsFrequencyConvertingAndReceiversNotEqualToSource |
Is frequency converting (receivers != source)
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
IsMixedMode |
Is mixed-mode?
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
IsOnlySParamData | Is only S-Parameter Data? |
IsOnlySwitchTerms | Is only Switch Terms? |
IsSParamData | Is S-Parameter Data? |
IsSParamDataAndReferenceReceiver | Is S-Parameter Data and Reference Receiver? |
IsSParamDataAndSwitchTerms | Is S-Parameter Data and Switch Terms? |
IsSParamDataReferenceReceiverAndPowerSensor | Is S-Parameter Data, Reference Receiver and Power Sensor? |
IsSParamDataReferenceReceiverAndSwitchTerms | Is S-Parameter Data, Reference Receiver and Switch Terms? |
IsTestAndReferenceReceivers | Is Test and Reference Receivers? |
NFreq |
Number of frequency points
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
NPorts |
Number of ports
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
ParameterData | VNA Parameter data |
ParameterNames | VNA Parameter names |
Ports |
Port assignment
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
PortZr |
Port Zr / Ohm
(Inherited from FreqPortZrT) |
BinarySetDataFrom | Set object data from Binary Reader. |
BinaryWriteDataTo | Write object data to Binary Writer. |
CommonPortZr |
Gets common reference impedance / Ohm
(Inherited from FreqPortZrT) |
ConvertToT2 | Convert To |
DebugControl | Debug Control |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object) |
FindParameterIndex | Find Parameter data index |
FindPortIndex |
Finds port index
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
FlatVectorSetDataFrom | Set object data from Flat Vector |
FlatVectorWriteDataTo | Write object data to Flat Vector |
FrequencyAtPortIndex(Int32) |
Gets frequency list at port index / Hz
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
FrequencyAtPortIndex(Int32, FrequencyConversionType) |
Gets frequency list at port index / Hz
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
FrequencyConversionAtPortIndex(Int32) |
Gets frequency conversion at port index
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
FrequencyConversionAtPortIndex(Int32, FrequencyConversionType) |
Gets frequency conversion at port index
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
FrequencyEquationInfoAtPortIndex |
Gets frequency equation information at port index
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
FrequencyInfoAtPortIndex |
Gets frequency information at port index
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) |
GetObjectData | Custom Serialization |
GetParameterFrequency | Get Parameter Frequency |
GetParameterFrequencyInfo | Get Parameter Frequency Info |
GetParameterZrInfo | Get Parameter Zr Info |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
Init(IFreqPort) |
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
Init(IFreqPortFreqConv) |
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
Init(IFreqPortZrT) |
(Inherited from FreqPortZrT) |
Init(IFreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
Init(Double, VnaPortDescription) |
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
Init(Double, Int32) |
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
Init(Double, ComplexT) |
(Inherited from FreqPortZrT) |
Init(Int32, Int32) |
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
Init(Double, VnaPortDescription, ComplexT) |
(Inherited from FreqPortZrT) |
Init(Double, VnaPortDescription, ComplexT) |
(Inherited from FreqPortZrT) |
Init(Double, Int32, ComplexT) |
(Inherited from FreqPortZrT) |
Init(Double, Int32, ComplexT) |
(Inherited from FreqPortZrT) |
Init(Double, Int32, ComplexT) |
(Inherited from FreqPortZrT) |
Init(Double, VnaPortDescription, FrequencyConversion) |
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
Init(Double, Int32, FrequencyConversion) |
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
Init(Double, Int32, FrequencyConversion) |
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
Init(Int32, Int32, Int32) | Initialize VNA data |
Init(Double, VnaPortDescription, ComplexT, FrequencyConversion) |
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
Init(Double, Int32, ComplexT, FrequencyConversion) |
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
Init(Double, Int32, ComplexT, FrequencyConversion) |
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object) |
PostInit |
Post initialize
(Overrides FreqPortZrFreqConvTPostInit) |
PreInit |
Pre initialize
(Overrides FreqPortZrFreqConvTPreInit) |
SameFrequencyConversions(FrequencyConversion, Boolean) |
Same frequency conversions
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
SameFrequencyConversions(IFreqPortFreqConv, Boolean) |
Same frequency conversions
(Inherited from FreqPortZrFreqConvT) |
SameFrequencyPoints(Double, Boolean) |
Same frequency points
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
SameFrequencyPoints(IFreqPort, Boolean) |
Same frequency points
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
SameNumberOfFrequencyPoints(Double, Boolean) |
Same number of frequency points
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
SameNumberOfFrequencyPoints(IFreqPort, Boolean) |
Same number of frequency points
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
SameNumberOfPorts(IFreqPort, Boolean) |
Same number of ports
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
SameNumberOfPorts(VnaPortDescription, Boolean) |
Same number of ports
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
SamePortModes(IFreqPort, Boolean) |
Same port modes
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
SamePortModes(VnaPortDescription, Boolean) |
Same port modes
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
SamePorts(IFreqPort, Boolean) |
Same ports
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
SamePorts(VnaPortDescription, Boolean) |
Same ports
(Inherited from FreqPort) |
SamePortZr(ComplexT, Boolean) |
Same port impedances
(Inherited from FreqPortZrT) |
SamePortZr(IFreqPortZrT, Boolean) |
Same port impedances
(Inherited from FreqPortZrT) |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object) |